2022 04 April ISO refresh is ready for download. Built from Manjaro stable branch as of 22.04.03.
Available with latest LTS kernel – 5.15 or slighty older one 5.4 LTS.
Whats new since 21.11 Herbolth?
Quick actions to configure tint2 panel
Access it from Main Menu → Mabox Config… or by super + alt + p shortcut.
Some improvements to “Desktops Menu” – accessible by Middle Click on Desktop
You can now toggle Conky and Picom here. Many other desktops related actions also available.
Shortcuts to toggle them works as usual:
super + alt + c – toggle Conky
super + p – toggle Picom
ImageMagick Wallpaper generator
super + alt + w will show you menu with many options related to wallpapers, like basic setters, slideshows and new one imagemagick based wallpaper generator.
You can acces it also from desktop menu – middle clik on desktop.
Quick tiling improvements
Quick tiling action gets some nice improvements and helper, see video:
Download locations:
sourceforge mirrors
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