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Keyboard shortcuts, windows pseudo tiling

Previous: Introduction to Mabox Linux Desktop

Openbox is a window manager that you can use the way you like – with a mouse, keyboard or both. In Mabox, useful keyboard shortcuts have been configured, which allow you to work effectively without taking your hand off the keyboard.

Windows – pseudo tiling, resize, move etc.

— Window Tiling
super+Up = Halfscreen Top
super+Down = Halfscreen Bottom
super+Left = Halfscreen Left
super+Right = Halfscreen Right

super+Home = Maximize
F11,W+Enter – toggle fullscreen

 | super+Insert |   super+PgUp  |
 | super+Delete |   super+PgDn  |

 |       super+Up       |
 |       super+Down     |

 |             |              |
 | super+Left  | super+Right  |
 |             |              |

Holding Shift plus any of the previous keybinds will make the windows 25% instead of 50%

|  1  |          |  2  |
+------          ------+
|  4  |          |  3  |

+                      +

|     |          |     |
|   1 |          |  2  |
|     |          |     |

Tiling with Keypad

Tiling works similiar when you use super + keypad keys, just try it out.
Use keybinds with Shift to see modified actions.

|  7  |  8  |  9  |
|  4  |  5  |  6  |
|  1  |  2  |  3  |
Applications & Menus

Menus/SidePanels and some other tools

super, super+spaceMain Menusuper+sSettings Menu
Ctrl+super+LeftLeft Sidepanel (Places)Ctrl+super+RightRight Sidepanel
super+.Places Menu


super+tTerminalsuper+fFilemanager PCmanFM
ctrl+GraveQuake-like Terminalsuper+gGalculator
super+wWeb Browser Firefoxsuper+eEditor Geany
super+vVolume control Pavucontrolsuper+pEnable/disable Compositor
super+ckill/start Conky sessionsuper+ Grave(~)Expose windows
super+lLock screensuper+kxkill
super+/Fsearchsuper+xExit/Logout screen
XF86AudioRaiseVolumeIncrease VolumeXF86AudioLowerVolumeDecrease Volume
XF86MonBrightnessUpIncrease BrightnessXF86MonBrightnessDownDecrease Brightness
PrintTake a screenshotAlt+PrintTake a screenshot
super+dShow Desktopsuper+SpaceRoot menu
super+1Go To Desktop 1super+2Go To Desktop 2
super+3Go To Desktop 3super+4Go To Desktop 4
super+Shift+1Send To Desktop 1super+Shift+2Send To Desktop 2
super+Shift+3Send To Desktop 3super+Shift+4Send To Desktop 4

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